Sunday, December 7, 2008

Welcome to Debate-a Base

As an ex-high school debater, judge, and all around debate-enthusiast, I was inspired to create this blog with three purposes in mind:
  1. Often in such a competitive activity, the aggressive nature of debate can suppress the light-hearted social aspects. This blog is an attempt to provide a space where high school and college debaters can share ideas, experiences, and arguments, as well as exchange evidence, in order to foster communication and strengthen the debate community.
  2. While not always the case, upscale, wealthy schools tend to produce better, more prepared debaters for competition. This stems from the school's ability to compete at more tournaments, hire more coaches, buy more evidence, and send more students to debate camps. With the advanced character of debate, it is also excruciatingly difficult to start a debate program from scratch. In this blog I wish to present a forum in which underprivileged and underdeveloped debate programs can gain access to debate-related information, receive knowledge from other bloggers, and have their questions answered.
  3. In this blog, I would like to offer the opportunity to examine different styles of debate, more specifically the conflict between traditional (slow) debate, and speed debate. This issue, which has began to prominently polarize the debate community, should be discussed in a rational manner to address the benefits and shortfalls of both so that we can fairly evaluate such clash in opinion. 
Listed below are more resources for information on debate, each providing a means of learning debate, as well as offering information on the activity as a whole:

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